Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Photorealistic still-life by Roberto Bernardi

photorealistic paintings by roberto bernardi 9 Photorealistic Still Life Paintings by Roberto Bernardi

I found it really hard not to be fascinated with Bernardi's collection. Not only is he able to render hyper realistic paintings, but the arrangement of his subject matter as well as his choice in subject matter is really strong. I particularly liked this painting because of how messy and cluttered it felt in spite of the clean edges and colors. I also thought it was interesting that he chose to paint something as mundane as dishes in a sink because it really drives home the point (to me) that everything around us is worth making art out of.


  1. This is scary impressive! I cannot believe that this is oil painting! I love the way that the cup on the bottom looks like it has some of the liquid evaporated. I wonder how long this person worked on the painting, and also if any of us will be that good eventually.

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  3. I do love your explanation with this post! I agree with you when you say it is interesting that the subject matter is so mundane...those sort of paintings can be the most intriguing! Kaylee, I am sure this artist has spend many years practicing their technical skills, but be cautious of using the words "good" or "bad" to describe artists such as yourself...those are very limiting terms!
